
HayBoss HEX: The Revolutionary Hay Ring Feeder  For Your Herd!

Ah, the never-ending battle with hay waste. It’s something known to all of us North American and Canadian farmers. You spend good money on those precious bales, only to see a significant chunk disappear into the mud or get trampled underfoot by your eager (but messy) eaters. It’s enough to make anyone feel completely frustrated!

That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to a true game-changer: the HayBoss HEX Large Round HayRing Feeder. This cutting-edge feeder is built to simplify your routine and your animals happier. This innovative feeder isn’t just another pretty face in the hay feeder market. It’s a thoughtfully designed system built to save you money, minimize waste, and keep your animals happy and healthy.

The HEX Appeal: A Shape with Benefits

The HayBoss HEX isn’t your average round feeder.  It boasts a unique hexagonal design that might seem like a small detail, but trust me, it makes a big difference.  

Here’s the science behind it: Round feeders leave those pesky leftover pockets where hay gets wasted and trampled. The HEX design, with its straight sides, eliminates those dead zones, allowing your animals to access every last bit of precious forage.  

A recent study found that hexagonal feeders can reduce hay waste by up to 15% compared to traditional round feeders. This means major cost savings for you and reduced waste for the environment.

Benefits for You and Your Animals: A Win-Win Situation

Now, let’s talk about the real payoff: how the HEX benefits both you and your furry (or feathery) friends.

For the Farmer:

  • Save Money, Save Hay: Less wasted hay means more money in your pocket. It’s a simple equation. The HEX design minimizes hay spoilage and cuts down on the need for constant refilling, saving you both time and resources.
  • Back-Saving Design: Let’s face it, lugging around heavy hay bales can take a toll on your back. The HEX is designed with easy loading and handling features, making those chore days a breeze.
  • Peace of Mind: HayBoss feeders are built to last, using high-quality materials that can withstand even the harshest weather conditions. This brings less maintenance and more ease for you.

For the Animals:

  • Happy and Healthy Herds: The HEX encourages natural grazing behavior, which is essential for animal well-being. They can nibble at their own pace, mimicking how they would eat in the wild, keeping them stimulated and reducing stress.
  • Fairness for All: The design allows for even feeding throughout the herd, reducing competition and preventing those dominant animals from hogging all the good hay.
  • Cleaner Eating: The HEX design minimizes the chance of hay getting trampled and contaminated by dirt and manure. This keeps your animals healthier and reduces the risk of respiratory problems caused by dusty hay.

HayBoss HEX: Built Tough for the Toughest Jobs

Durability is key on any farm. The HayBoss HEX is built to endure the elements and your rowdy farm crew.  It’s constructed with heavy-duty galvanized steel that can handle even the most enthusiastic hay consumers.  The unique hexagonal design adds structural integrity, ensuring your feeder stays strong for years to come.

The HEX vs.The Rest: Why Choose Smarter?

Let’s be real, there are plenty of hay feeders on the market. So, what makes the HEX stand out? Here’s a head-to-head comparison with traditional round feeders:

FeatureHayBoss HEXTraditional Round Feeder
Waste ReductionUp to 15% less wasted hayHigher hay waste
Ease of UseEasy loading and handling featuresCan be cumbersome to load
DurabilityHeavy-duty galvanized steel constructionProne to rust and damage
Animal Health BenefitsEncourages natural grazing, reduces stressCan lead to uneven feeding

The choice seems clear, doesn’t it? The HayBoss HEX offers a clear advantage in terms of waste reduction, ease of use, and animal health benefits.

Pro Tips for HEX Success: Getting the Most Out of Your Feeder

Now that you’re convinced you need a HEX feeder in your life (and let’s be honest, who wouldn’t be?), here are some pro tips to get the most out of it:

  • Loading Like a Pro: When loading your HEX feeder, start by placing the bale on its end and use a tractor or loader to push it into the feeder. This ensures the hay is evenly distributed and minimizes waste.
  • Location, Location, Location: The ideal placement for your HEX feeder depends on your specific setup, but generally, you want it in a well-drained area with easy access for your entire herd. You might want to consider placing it near a shelter or windbreak to provide extra protection from the elements.
  • Extending the Life of Your HEX: You know a little preventative maintenance goes a long way. Regularly inspect your HEX feeder for any signs of wear and tear. Tackle any minor issues promptly to avoid potentially bigger problems in the future. You can also expand the life of your feeder by giving it a good cleaning every now and then.

HayBoss HEX: FAQs: Answering Your Burning Questions

Before you rush out and buy your very own HEX feeder, let’s address some common questions you might have:

  • What size bales does the HEX feeder accommodate?
    : The HayBoss HEX is designed for large round bales.
  • What is the dimension of the HEX feeder?
    : The dimension is 48 × 22 × 32 inch. 
  • Does the HayBoss HEX come with a warranty?
    : Yes, HayBoss feeders come with a limited warranty. For specific warranty details, refer to the HayBoss website or contact your local dealer.

Final Takeaway: Invest in Smarter Feeding

The HayBoss HEX Large Round HayRing Feeder is more than just a feeder; it’s an investment in the well-being of your farm and your animals.  It reduces hay waste, saves you time and money, and promotes a healthier environment for your herd.

If you have other requirements, Hayboss Feeders also offers Standard Hayboss feeders, DIY Feeders, Penpal Feeders, and many more! 

Ready to experience the HEX difference?  Visit the HayBoss website today to learn more about the HEX feeder and find a HayBoss dealer near you!  Don’t let hay-related headaches slow you down any longer.  Make the switch to the HayBoss HEX and watch your farm thrive.


7 Factors for Selecting the Perfect Hay Feeder in 2024

Ever walk out to your pasture and find half your hay scattered like confetti? Feels quite frustrating, right?

Let’s face it, wasted hay is money down the drain. Scattered hay means unhappy animals and a lighter wallet for you. Hay feeders can be a solution to this problem!


Selecting the perfect hay feeder can be a game-changer! It will help you reduce waste, promote animal health, and save you time and money in the long run.

Our guide dives into 7 key factors to consider when choosing a hay feeder, helping you find the one that’s just right for your farm.

But Before We Start, Let’s Talk About Why Hay Feeders Matter

Hay feeders are more than just fancy troughs. They’re an investment in your animals’ well-being and your farm’s success. Here’s why they matter:

●  Reduced Waste: Hay feeders minimize hay waste, putting more nutrients into your animals and less money down the drain.

●  Improved Animal Health: Hay feeders promote controlled feeding, reducing the risk of digestive issues that can occur with unrestricted hay access. Happy and healthy animals mean a happy and productive farm!

●  Cleaner Paddocks: Hay feeders keep hay off the ground, reducing mud contamination and the spread of bacteria. This translates to a cleaner environment for your animals and less muck for you to clean up.

The Hay-per Choice: Picking Your Perfect Feeder!

Now that you’re confident about the power of feeders, let’s dive into the exciting world of choosing the right one for your farm. We’ve got a hay-stack of options to consider:

Hay Type & Animal Needs

Horses munch on hay differently than cows, right? The feeder design should match your hay type (round bales, flakes, etc.) and your animal’s feeding style. For instance, round bale feeders with slow-feed nets are perfect for horses, while square bale feeders work well for cattle and other ruminants. If you are net feeding cattle it is better to go with a net with larger holes.

Ask yourself: What kind of animals do you raise? How do they typically eat hay? (Think about those messy eaters who might need a feeder that reduces the wastage of hay!)

Size & Capacity

Imagine that perfect bowl of cereal – not too big, not too small! Similarly, feeder size matters. Consider your herd size and feeding frequency. There are feeder options available in a range of sizes to accommodate any farm, from small hobby farms to large-scale operations. There is also something to consider when you have 2 different paddocks with different animals, having a feeder that could feed two different paddocks at once really makes for an efficient process.

Pro-Tip: Don’t forget to factor in growth! If you have young animals, you might want to choose a feeder with a little extra room to accommodate their future needs. XL-size feeder for large square bales would be a great choice but if you only have round bales then it would be the HayBoss Standard Feeder to expand your farm!

Durability & Material


Here in North America, our weather can get wild. You need a feeder that can handle rain, snow, and everything in between. You need special feeders that are crafted from galvanized steel, built to withstand the elements and rough animals for years to come.

(Keep in note: Cheaply-made feeders can rust quickly, leaving you with a replacement project and more money down the drain. Invest in a quality feeder that will last!)

Safety Features

Safety first, always! Look for feeders that minimize the risk of injury to both you and your animals. Always look for feeders that are designed with smooth edges and thoughtful features to keep everyone safe and happy.

Pro-Tip: With covered feeders, this is a great way to help prevent rain, snow, or debris from contaminating the hay.

Can you think of any safety features that could be essential for your farm? (For example, if you have young animals, a feeder with a secure latch can help prevent accidental access.)

Minimizing Waste

Hay isn’t cheap, friends! Hay feeders are designed to fight waste with features like slow-feed nets that allow animals to nibble at their own pace, reducing hay mess and spoilage.

Pro-Tip: Hay feeders with slow-feed nets can also promote better digestion and reduce the risk of colic in horses.

Ease of Use & Maintenance

Nobody wants a chore that takes forever. Perfect hay feeders should have strong built quality for easy use and maintenance. Some Feeders are designed for quick and easy loading of small square bales, while others, like DIY feeder kits, offer the option to build your feeder and save even more time and money.

(Consider feeders with easy-to-open latches, removable nets for cleaning the base, and being on skids, you chain up can drag the feeder around your property for convenience and promote grazing in different spots in the pasture. This also helps to supplement the feed so other parts of your property will have the time allotted for the grass to grow back.)

Cost vs. Features

It is necessary to find the ideal balance between features and price. That is why you should look for a company that offers a variety of options to suit your budget, from budget-friendly small or large DIY feeders to top-of-the-line feeders loaded with features.

Remember, a quality hay feeder is an asset that pays off in the long run through reduced hay waste and a healthier herd.

Pro-Tip: Don’t be afraid to shop around and compare features before you buy.

The Bottom Line: Happy Animals, Healthy Wallet!

Investing in a quality hay feeder isn’t just about saving money on hay – it’s about creating a win-win situation for you and your animals. Hay feeders promote better health, reduce waste, and save you time on chores.

So, it’s time for you to ditch the hay waste and say hello to happy animals and a thriving farm! HayBoss Feeders can help you get there. Contact us today and let’s discuss the perfect feeder for your needs!


7 Popular Goat Breeds: Which One is Right for You?

Do you dream of enjoying fresh, high-quality milk straight from the source?  Perhaps you’re looking for a low-maintenance way to acquire luxurious fiber for crafting projects.  Maybe you simply crave the companionship of a loyal and curious animal. 

white got breed - hayboss feeders

Then goats might be the perfect solution for you!  Beyond the undeniable cuteness factor, goats offer a multitude of practical benefits.

However, before welcoming these charming creatures to your homestead, there are some essential considerations. This guide will introduce you to the diverse world of goat breeds, helping you find the best match for your personal needs and lifestyle.

Goats: More Than Just a Pretty Face!

Let’s be honest, goats are pretty cute!

But their charm goes way beyond aesthetics. These versatile creatures can be your partners in crime for all sorts of awesome stuff. 

Craving fresh, creamy cheese made from your milk? Goats got you covered. Want a loyal companion with a personality that’s both curious and occasionally sassy? Look no further! Or maybe you’re a fiber fiend who dreams of spinning luxurious yarn – goats can provide the raw materials to make your crafting dreams a reality.

But First Things First: Getting Your Homestead Goat-Ready

Alright, so you’re sold on the idea of goats. Awesome! However, there are a few things you need to think about before bringing home a bleating bundle of joy. 

Imagine a sprawling green space, a haven for your goats to roam and munch on all the good stuff. Secure fencing is key – think of it as a moat against mischievous escapes (because let’s face it, goats can be escape artists extraordinaire!). 

Don’t forget a cozy shelter, a place for them to chill out and, well, ruminate (both literally and figuratively!). Finally, remember that goats, like any pet, need consistent care, including regular feeding and vet checkups to keep them happy and healthy.

The Top 7 Goat Breeds: Finding Your Perfect Match

two white goats are fighting while the other breeds are lying down

Buckle up, because we are about to go headfirst into popular goat breeds of the world! Each breed has its own unique personality and purpose, from the high-yielding milk machines to the playful social butterflies. 

So let’s get right into it!

Saanen: The Milk Machine with a Chill Vibe

First up, we have the Saanen goat – the undisputed heavyweight champion of milk production. Imagine a giant, fluffy marshmallow with kind eyes. That’s basically a Saanen. These gentle giants hail from the majestic mountains of Switzerland, and let me tell you, they know a thing or two about churning out top-notch milk!

Perfect for: If you dream of overflowing cheese fridges and creamy lattes made with milk straight from your own farmyard, then the Saanen might be your perfect match. Plus, their mellow personalities make them a joy to have around.

(Things to Consider:  Saanens, like any self-respecting champion, have a hearty appetite. Be prepared to keep your hay bales stocked – these munching machines are serious about their greens!)

The Nubian: Floppy Ears and a Playful Spirit

Next on the block, we have the Nubian goat – easily recognized by their signature floppy ears that droop like question marks. Nubians come in a wide range of patterns and colors, so you’re likely to find one that appeals to you. But don’t be fooled by their nice looks – these goats are social butterflies with a mischievous streak.

Perfect for:  If you want a good amount of milk with a higher butterfat content (perfect for richer cheeses and creams) and a companion who’s always up for some fun and shenanigans, then a Nubian might be your ideal match. Just be prepared for their playful curiosity to test your fencing skills!

The Alpine: The Adaptable All-Star

Hailing from the French Alps, these tough cookies can handle just about any climate you throw at them. Imagine a medium-sized goat with a thick coat that can withstand even the chilliest winters.  Alpines are known for their independent spirit and intelligence – they’re not afraid to climb trees or explore every nook and cranny of their surroundings.

Perfect for:  If you live in a place with harsh winters or are looking for a year-round milk supply, then the Alpine might be your mountain goat match.

The La Mancha: Quiet Confidence with Short Ears

Ever heard of a goat with minimal ear-flopping? Look no further than La Mancha! These distinctive goats are known for their short ears, or sometimes even a complete absence of them.  Despite their understated appearance, La Mancha goats are known for their peaceful and docile temperament, making them a fantastic choice for families.

Perfect for:  If you’re looking for a good milk producer with a quiet and easygoing personality, then La Mancha might be your perfect match. Their short ears also mean there’s less chance of them getting snagged on fences or brush.

The Boer: Built for Meat Production

Boer goats are the bodybuilders of the goat world. These large, muscular goats were specifically developed for meat production.  Unlike some of the other breeds we’ve discussed, Boer goats aren’t known for their high milk yields.

Perfect for:  If you’re interested in raising goats for meat or breeding stock, then the Boer goat might be the right fit for you. Just remember, their larger size means they’ll require more space and food than some of the other breeds.

The Pygmy: Pint-Sized Perfection

Move over, miniature horses! The Pygmy goat takes the crown for the cutest dwarf ruminant around. These tiny goats are perfect for those with limited space. Don’t let their size fool you, though – Pygmies are known for their lively personalities and entertaining behaviors.

Perfect for:  If you’re looking for a cuddly companion or thinking about getting goats for a homestead with children (with adult supervision, of course!), then a Pygmy goat might be your perfect match. Just remember, their small size also means they can be escape artists extraordinaire, so secure fencing is a must!

The Nigerian Dwarf: Tiny Powerhouse

Last, but certainly not least, we have the Nigerian Dwarf goat.  These pint-sized goats are similar to Pygmies but offer a surprising amount of milk for their size. They are also recognized for their calm personalities and pleasant attitude.

Perfect for:  If you’re looking for a smaller goat with a good milk yield and a temperament that makes them great around children (with adult supervision), then the Nigerian Dwarf might be your ideal match.

Keeping Your Goats Happy and Healthy with HayBoss Feeders

beautiful sheep are grazing on grass

Now that you’ve chosen your perfect caprine companion, it’s time to think about their well-being. HayBoss feeders offer a convenient and beneficial solution for goat nutrition. 

The HayBoss Standard Feeder can handle large round bales or several square bales. This powerful feeder removes the need for frequent refills, saving you important time and effort.

The HayBoss PenPal Feeder is perfect for smaller goat herds. This compact feeder is ideal for hobby farms or those with limited space. It utilizes the same self-tensioning net system, ensuring minimal waste and promoting natural grazing behavior for optimal goat health.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it! We have discussed popular goat breeds of the world, each with something unique to offer. From the high-yielding milk machines to the playful social butterflies and the pint-sized powerhouses, there’s a perfect goat breed out there for everyone.  

Consider your needs, lifestyle, available space, and an ideal feeder when making your decision.  For complete peace of mind, you should prioritize your goat’s safety with a sturdy goat guard kit. This will keep your precious goats safe from wild predators.

Remember, goats are social creatures who thrive on companionship, so be prepared to offer them plenty of love and attention alongside a good quality diet and proper care.

With a little research and this guide as your companion, you’re well on your way to finding your perfect bleating buddy and unlocking a world of farmyard fun (and maybe even some delicious cheese or luxurious fiber)!


Sheep Farming in 7 Easy Steps: Your Beginner’s Guide to Success in 2024

Maybe it was your dream to own a sheep farm for yourself from your childhood. But family, and life responsibilities got the better of you. You got too busy and this treasured dream was tucked away in a dusty corner of your mind.

Sheep are feeding their foods

But now you have time and resources and want to turn those wooly ambitions into a thriving reality.

You might be imagining yourself surrounded by rolling green hills dotted with fluffy sheep, the gentle clinking of bells a constant melody. Sounds dreamy, right? But before you jump-switch your profession to your childhood goal, there is some planning involved.

Fear not, my fellow shepherd! This guide will be your map to navigating the exciting world of sheep farming. So let’s straight dive into the 7 steps and make you a farming hero! 

Step 1: Research & Plan Like a Pro

You can not randomly spend money and expect a sustainable sheep farm. Making a solid plan is crucial for any farmer to succeed. And yes, a solid plan needs solid research!

  • You’ll need to consider the breeds you want to start with [it can be wool, meat, or milk-focused!). Choose the one that suits your goals!  
  • Don’t forget to factor in your climate and location – what works in Wyoming might not be ideal for Florida.
  • Research local regulations and permitting, some might be the same for Canada but others might be different in the state!
  • Always explore potential markets for your future fleeces, chops, or cheese (yes, sheep milk cheese is a thing!).

You get the idea right?

Now, grab your thinking cap and craft a business plan. This will be your roadmap to success, outlining your vision, goals, and the capital you’ll need to get started. 

Think land, equipment, those adorable sheep themselves, food, and any necessary infrastructure. Don’t forget to factor in how much you might earn – this helps ensure your farm isn’t just a baa-utiful dream, but a financially sound one too.

Step 2: Choosing Your Wooly Wonders

What is the most important part of a sheep farm? Sheep of course!

Sheep Farming Guide to Success

This is Where The Fun Begins – Picking Your Perfect Breed!

Remember what you wanted from your sheep? Do you dream of luxurious wool sweaters? Then Opt for breeds known for their fleece. Craving for delicious homegrown lamb? A meaty breed will be perfect. Research different options, and don’t forget to factor in your climate and management style too!

Not All Sheep Are Equal!

So order your sheep breed from reputable breeders. Remember, healthy sheep are happy sheep, so prioritize their well-being from the start. As your experience grows, you can gradually expand your flock.

Step 3: Land & Infrastructure – Your Sheepy Sanctuary!

You have created a plan, right? Thats great!

Now You Need To Find The Perfect Piece Of Land

Imagine your future flock frolicking – that’s the dream! But first, you must have the ideal amount of land. Make sure to consider how much space your beloved sheep will need to roam and graze happily. Ensure there’s access to clean water and plenty of grazing land to keep your woolly friends joyful!

Land Is Secured, What About Infrastructure?

Now, let’s talk sheepy shelters for those rainy days, feeding troughs to keep them full and happy, and handling facilities for shearing, lambing, and other important procedures. You want an easy feeding experience, right? Then make sure to invest in a high-quality hay feeder for them.

And don’t forget fencing – sheep are escape artists extraordinaire, so secure fencing is a must-have! Remember, you can always scale up your infrastructure as your flock grows.

Step 4: Sheep Care – More Than Just Cuddling (Although Encouraged!)

Your sheep can not take care of themselves, right?

grandpa with grandson-looking sheep

Adequate Food And Water Supply Is A Must!

What do sheep do most of their time? Eating and ruminating. You should provide a balanced diet of pasture, hay, and any necessary supplements to keep them healthy and thriving. You can install bale feeders for easy convenience. Keep their dwelling place clean and make sure they have an abundance of fresh water.

Health Is An Important Factor Too!

Regular health checks and preventive veterinary care are crucial for happy and healthy sheep. Make sure to visit the vets for check-ups and advice every month. (After all, you want your sheep to be healthy right?)

Learning Proper Handling Techniques Is Key!

It ensures your safety and the well-being of your animals. Understanding sheep breeding cycles and lambing seasons is also important. Give extra support and care for pregnant ewes and newborn lambs – they’ll need all the love they can get!

5 goats and sheeps are having foods from hay feeder

Step 5: Marketing Your Sheep-amazing Products!

Ask this, Who will be the lucky recipients of your sheepy goodness?

Is it the Local consumers or restaurant owners, farmer’s markets, or yarn producers – the options are endless! Develop a marketing strategy that works for you, whether it’s building an online presence, participating in local events, or exploring direct sales and partnerships.  Study the market and make the right choice when selecting a vendor!

Step 6: Keep Learning & Growing (You Know, Knowledge Is Power!)

Remember the following: Never Stop Learning! 

If you ever start to ignore the latest farming innovations, you will soon be left behind.

Whenever you get the chance, attend workshops, and conferences, and connect with experienced sheep farmers. In the world of sheep, there is always a new thing to learn. Use internet resources to stay updated on industry developments and best practices(Because you sheep deserve the best right?).

You do remember that sustainable and ethical farming is your key to success? So embrace practices that are good for your animals and the environment. Being adaptable helps too! You will see market demands and regulations change, So be ready to roll with the blows!

Step 7: Building a Community & Sharing Your Journey

a white goat and a cow are standing in front of a Hay feeder

You have successfully started your livestock farming journey, so what do you do now?

Share Your Experience With Your Dedicated Sheep-Loving Community Of Course!

Connect with fellow sheep farmers – they’ll be your biggest cheerleaders and source of knowledge. Online forums, local associations, and networking events are great places for you to start. Share your stories, observe others, and create a healthy community!

Document Your Journey!

Share your story through a blog, social site, or other media. Inspire others to pursue their sheep farming dreams and contribute to the sustainable agriculture movement.

Before We Go,,,

Remember, the path to sheep farming isn’t always smooth sailing, but with dedication, passion, and a little bit of charm (also the 7 steps you just read!), you can create a fulfilling and rewarding life surrounded by your wooly companions.

The well-being of your sheep should be your first priority. That’s why Invest in quality equipment that makes their lives easier and healthier. Take the example of Hayboss feeders, they offer unique solutions for convenient sheep feeding, promoting better posture and reducing hay waste. Explore multiple options and select the one that best suits your farm.

So what are you waiting for? Start your sheep farm for an exciting adventure filled with challenges and rewards. It’s time for you to transform your dream of living among the baa-ing flock into a reality!


The definitive guide to choosing your horse’s ideal round bale feeder

We’ve all been there. You know the importance of a healthy and balanced diet for your horse, and hay is a key ingredient. Round bales seem like the perfect solution – convenient, cost-effective, and easy to store.

Two horses are eating from the round bale feeder

But then you hit the internet, and suddenly you’re bombarded with a million different feeder options!

In this one-stop guide, we’ll dive into the world of round bale feeders, helping you navigate the features and functions to find the perfect match for your horse’s needs. So why the wait? Let’s get right into it!

Understanding your horse’s feeding needs

Horses are born to graze! Their digestive systems are designed for a slow and steady intake of food throughout the day. Horses are actually designed to be eating for up to 19 to 20 hours per day. Traditional feeding methods often involve limited hay portions at set times, which doesn’t suit their natural way of eating.

Round bale feeders mimic your horses’ natural behavior by allowing them to eat continuously throughout the day, promoting better digestion and reducing waste.

Here’s why round bale feeders are a win-win!

A well-fed horse is a happy horse, and a happy horse means that they are less aggressive and this results in less waste: Round bale feeders let your horse eat at their own pace, just like they would in a field. This translates to better nutrient absorption and less hay ending up trampled or scattered throughout the paddock and your property. More hay for your buck, and a cleaner stall!

Have time for more important things: These feeders hold a ton of hay, so you won’t be stuck refilling it every other hour. Imagine all the extra time you’ll have for trail rides, grooming sessions, or just relaxing with your fine 4-legged friend.

Bonus health perks: You can minimize dust inhalation with these feeders, a common issue with traditional feeders. Plus, the constant access to hay might encourage your horse to eat more, which can be beneficial for some horses. What happens in most cases, is the horses will actually regulate themselves as they always have access to their feed.

Easy on the wallet: Another point is that it is very common that you can get a better deal on large round bales vs small square bales, so to have a versatile feeder such as the HayBoss Feeder, it is not only a smart choice for the health of your horses, but a financially sound choice too.

Choosing the Right Round Bale Feeder: It’s More Than Just Looks!

a white horse is preparing to eat from the round bale feeder

Finding the perfect feeder goes way beyond just picking a pretty color. Here’s what you need to consider to keep your horse safe and happy:

Safety First: Your horse’s safety is the top priority. Look for feeders with smooth edges,no sneaky gaps for hooves, and a rock-solid build that won’t tip over easily.

Built to Last: Invest in a feeder made of tough stuff, like galvanized steel or UV-resistant plastic. These materials can handle harsh weather and curious horse nibbles, ensuring your feeder lasts for years to come.

Size Matters (and Bale Shape Too!): These feeders come in all shapes and sizes to fit different hay bales. Choose a feeder size that matches your typical bale to avoid hay waste or your horse having trouble reaching the good stuff.

Easy Does It: Pick a feeder design that allows horses of all ages and heights to reach the hay with ease. Some feeders even adjust to accommodate growing foals or senior horses.

Weather Woes? No Problem: Consider your climate when choosing a feeder. If rain, wind, or snow is an issue, look for a roof or overhang for protection. Drainage holes are key to preventing puddles, and UV protection is a must in sunny areas.

The standard HayBoss Feeder: A top choice for horse owners

horses are eating from round bale feeder

Now that you know what to look for, let’s introduce you to the Standard HayBoss Feeder, a great option that ticks all the right boxes. This versatile option fits any size round bale or even a bunch of small square bales.

The HayBoss features a self-tensioning nylon net with a spring-loaded roller for easy refilling. Built with tough, galvanized steel, it tackles the elements and rough use. Rain, snow, and waste are no worries, and loading is as simple as it gets.

Maintenance and care for feeders

Proper care keeps your feeder lasting longer and your horse healthier. Here’s how to show your feeder some love:

Cleaning Crew: Regularly remove leftover hay and debris to prevent mold growth. You can use a shovel, broom, or hose to get the job done. Some feeders even disassemble for a deeper clean.

Maintenance Marvel: Inspect your feeder regularly for loose bolts, cracks, or sharp edges. Tighten those bolts and address any minor repairs right away to avoid major issues down the road.

Final Takeaway: Happy Horse, Happy You!

round bale feeder for horses

Choosing the right round bale feeder is not only about comfort. (Although, let’s be honest, that’s a nice bonus!). It’s about creating a safe and healthy environment for your horse. By prioritizing safety, durability, and features that encourage natural grazing, you can ensure your horse has a happy and healthy space to enjoy their hay.

So, there you have it, horse lovers! You’re now equipped to navigate the world of round bale feeders with confidence. Remember, a happy horse is a healthy horse, and the right feeder (like the Hayboss one!) can play a big role in that happiness. Now go forth and conquer those hay piles with ease!


Supplementing Your Goat & Sheeps Diet for Optimal Health

Ever wondered if your sheep and goats are truly getting the nutrition they need for optimal health? Achieving optimal health for your precious livestock isn’t just about providing them with a good pasture. Sometimes, a little extra care in the form of targeted supplements can be the missing piece to unlock their full potential!

This blog post delves into the world of sheep and goat nutrition, opening the secrets to creating a diet rich in essential nutrients that will keep your animals thriving.

Livestock Health | Hayboss Feeders

Role of Supplements in Livestock Health

You should know that supplements don’t play the role of replacements; they’re partners in a balanced diet. While good-quality hay and pasture provide the bulk of your animals’ needs, deficiencies can lurk, often due to:

Mitigating Nutritional Gaps: The unpredictable nature of forage quality and soil nutrient levels means that relying solely on natural feed may leave critical nutritional gaps. Supplements step in to bridge these gaps, providing important nutrients that might be lacking in the animals’ primary diet. It also makes sense to have hay always accessible for your animals while they still have supplements. 

Boosting Immunity and Vitality: Well-formulated supplements contribute to the enhancement of the animal’s immune system and overall vitality. From minerals like selenium, crucial for immune function, to vitamins supporting various metabolic processes, supplements play a pivotal role in fortifying your flock against diseases and deficiencies.

Increased nutritional demands: Pregnancy, lactation, and growth spurts require extra fuel. Supplements can provide these nutrients to your farm animals. Supplements can bridge all of these gaps, ensuring your sheep and goats thrive at every stage of life.

Nutritional Requirements for Sheep and Goats

To understand goat’s & sheep’s diet, we need to grasp their nutritional requirements. These animals need a balanced mix of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Each component plays a unique role in their growth, reproduction, and overall health. Let’s have a detailed look:

Carbohydrates: Essential for energy, carbohydrates are a primary component of sheep and goats diets. Proper supplementation ensures an adequate energy supply for daily activities, growth, and reproduction.

Proteins: Protein supplements become particularly crucial during periods of increased demand, such as gestation or lactation. Adequate protein supports growth, muscle development, and reproductive health.

Fats: Often overlooked, fats are vital for a shiny coat, improved reproductive performance, and immune system support. Vital fatty acids, which include omega-6 and omega-3 can be supplemented to improve overall health.

Common Deficiencies in Traditional Diets

Even the most attentive shepherd can unintentionally expose their flock to nutritional imbalances. Some common deficiencies you should know are:

  1. Minerals: Deficiencies in copper, selenium, and cobalt can disrupt immune function, reproduction, and wool/hair growth.
  2. Vitamins: Lack of vitamin A can lead to eye problems, while inadequate vitamin E impacts muscle function.
  3. Protein: Insufficient protein during crucial growth and production phases can stunt development and milk yields.

Addressing these deficiencies through targeted supplements ensures comprehensive nourishment for your farm animals.

Key Supplements for Sheep and Goats

Now, let’s look into the specific supplements that can fill these nutritional gaps:

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of a healthy diet. Selenium aids immune function, while copper supports bone development. Sheep vitamins can increase the growth of wool. A well-rounded supplement that includes a spectrum of goat vitamins and minerals can offer comprehensive support for optimal health.

Protein Supplements

Protein is essential for growth, reproduction, and maintaining a healthy body condition. Supplements derived from sources like soybean meal or alfalfa pellets can be beneficial during increased demand, such as gestation or lactation.

Essential Fatty Acid

Fats are often overlooked but are vital. Essential fatty acids, like omega-3 and omega-6, contribute to a shiny coat, improved reproductive performance, and immune system support. Supplements rich in these fatty acids can impact overall well-being.

goat feeders

Are there any foods that are toxic to sheep and goats?

While providing the right supplements is crucial, be aware of foods that can be toxic to your livestock. Certain plants, like rhododendron and oleander, can be lethal if ingested. Moldy or spoiled feed poses health risks. Vigilance in their diet is crucial for a safe and nourishing environment.

Some common plants, such as azaleas, rhubarb leaves, and certain varieties of beans, can be toxic to sheep and goats. It is crucial to the safety of your livestock that these are not accessible to them.

How often should you feed sheep and goats?

Feeding frequency is key to ensuring your sheep and goats receive the right nutrition. Grazing animals benefit from consistent access to forage throughout the day. Also, your animals should have access to daily intake into multiple meals that will mimic their natural behavior and aid in better digestion.

Adequate water supply supports nutrient absorption and prevents dehydration. Water is an important but sometimes neglected component of your sheep and goat’s diet. Sufficient drinking of water helps digestion, nutrition absorption, and overall wellness. Always maintain a clean and easily accessible water supply for your flock.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, supplementing your sheep and goats’ diet is not merely a choice but a necessity for optimal health. Understanding their nutritional requirements, addressing common deficiencies, and incorporating key supplements can make a world of difference. From essential vitamins and minerals to often overlooked essential fatty acids, each component plays a unique role in their overall well-being.

For a seamless integration of supplements into your livestock’s diet, consider investing in HayBoss Feeders. These innovative feeders provide controlled access to forage and supplements, ensuring each member of your flock gets their fair share. HayBoss Feeders can revolutionize your approach to sheep and goat nutrition, contributing to the long-term well-being of your beloved animals.


How Hay Feeders Can Make Your Life Easier

Hay feeders are devices that are used to feed hay to animals. They are made from various components such as wood, metal, and plastic. These are available in several sizes and shapes to fit different kinds of animals and feeding requirements.

hay feeders: yasy to use

There are several advantages to using hay feeders. It can help to reduce hay waste, promote natural feeding behavior, improve digestion and overall health, reduce the risk of respiratory problems, prevent animals from eating dirt and sand, and make it easier to feed animals and clean up after them. Let’s find out more below!

Hay Feeders for Animals

Hay feeders for animals provide efficient and clean access to forage, reducing waste and promoting healthier eating habits, ultimately improving the overall well-being of livestock. Let’s have a detailed look below:

Reduces Hay Waste And Saves Money

Hay is a valuable resource, and hay feeders can help to reduce waste by preventing animals from trampling or scattering hay. Studies have shown that using animal feeders can decrease hay waste by up to 50%. This can save ranchers and farmers a lot of money in the long run.

Promotes natural feeding behavior

promotes natural feeding behavior

Animal feeders allow animals to eat from a more natural position than if they were eating hay off the ground. This is beneficial in improving the digestion of farm animals.

Improves Digestion And Overall Health

Hay feeders can help to improve digestion by preventing animals from eating too much hay too quickly. Animal feeders can also help to reduce the risk of colic, which is a serious digestive problem that can be fatal.

Reduces the risk of respiratory problems

It can help to reduce the risk of respiratory problems by preventing animals from breathing in dust and mold spores from hay that is on the ground.

Prevents Animals from Eating Dirt And Sand

Animal feeders can help to prevent animals from eating dirt and sand, which can cause digestive problems and other health problems.

Makes It Easier to Feed Animals And Clean Up After Them

It can make it easier to feed animals and clean up after them because they keep hay contained. Farmers and ranchers can save a substantial amount of time and work implementing them.

Benefits of Hay Feeders for Farmers and Ranchers

suitable hay feeders for animals

Hay feeders provide numerous benefits to farmers and ranchers, most importantly saving time and money. Let’s take a closer look: 

  • Saving time and labor: Hay feeders can save farmers and ranchers a significant amount of time and labor by making it easier to feed animals and clean up after them.
  • Reduces the cost: It can help to reduce the cost of hay purchases by reducing hay waste. Animals eat at a steady rate thus resulting in reduced wastage. 
  • Improving overall health: Hay feeders can also help to improve the overall health and well-being of animals by promoting natural feeding behavior, improving digestion, and reducing the risk of respiratory problems and other health problems.
  • Easier to manage livestock: Hay feeders can make it easier to manage livestock by making it easier to feed animals and clean up after them. Hay feeders can also help to improve the overall health and well-being of animals, which can make them easier to manage.

Different Types of Hay Feeders and Their Benefits

There are many different kinds of hay feeders available in the market, every having its own set of advantages. Some of the most common types of hay feeders include:

  • Small hay feeders for individual animals: Small hay feeders are ideal for feeding individual animals, such as horses, goats, and sheep. These types of hay feeders are generally portable and easy to clean.
  • Large hay feeders for groups of animals: Large animal feeders are ideal for feeding groups of animals, such as cattle and bison. These hay feeders are normally stationary and contain a significant amount of hay.
  • Portable hay feeders: Portable hay feeders are ideal for feeding animals in different locations. Portable hay feeders are typically lightweight and easy to carry.
  • Stationary hay feeders: Stationary hay feeders are ideal for feeding animals in a fixed location, such as a barn or corral. Stationary hay feeders are generally more durable than portable hay feeders.
  • Slow feeders: Slow feeders are designed to slow down the rate at which animals eat hay. This can help to reduce hay waste and improve digestion.

How to Choose the Right Hay Feeder for Your Needs

hay feeders for different animals

To choose the right hay feeder for your needs, you should consider the following factors:

  • The size and type of animals: Some hay feeders are designed for specific types of animals, such as horses, cattle, or sheep. It is important to choose a hay feeder that is the right size for your animals.
  • Amount of hay needed for animals: Hay feeders are available in several sizes. It is necessary to choose a hay feeder that can hold enough hay for your animals.
  • The amount of space available: Some hay feeders are moveable, while others are installed in a fixed location. Make sure the hay feeder you purchase will fit in the available area of your farm. 
  • Budget: Hay feeders can cost anywhere from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. Selecting a hay feeder that meets your budget is important.


Hay feeders offer several benefits for both animals and farmers and ranchers. Hay feeders can help to reduce hay waste, promote natural feeding behavior, and improve the digestion and overall health of your animals.

If you are looking for reliable and quality feeders for your hay and want to get the maximum benefits of hay feeders, I would recommend Hayboss feeders. They have a variety of hay feeders, standard feeders, XL feeders,  round bale feeders, and many more!


HayBoss Feeders Upgraded Site: New Services, Info, and Videos

Welcome to our new website bringing the best of our old website with new payment services and with new information and videos. We want to inspire and help our farmers to benefit our livestock with the best and most modern technology. HayBoss Feeders™ gives advantage to our environment, our animals, and our farmers.


How We Feed Our Horses Matters As Well as What We Feed Them

How we feed our horses matters: After a recent trip to a very large equine expo, I was reminded of the influx of information available regarding the feeding and management of horses. That combined with the mere presence of the spring grass growing threatening to founder my old mare yet again, I have sought out better ways to manage the feeding of my diverse group of horses that not only meets their nutritional and health requirements but also maintains some quality of life.

Evolutionary Background and Modern Challenges

Horses have evolved as grazing animals and thus their digestive systems have developed to accommodate a forage based diet, typically grasses, that they continually graze all day. They have a relatively quick passage rate allowing feed to pass from one end to the other much quicker than say a ruminant, such as a cow. In addition these wild ancestors would graze the lush grass in the summer, put on body condition and then lose condition over the winter as they paw and travel for food and water. Currently there are very few horses that live this life. Several horses face challenges, ranging from limited to no grazing or excessive access to lush pastures, minimal or extensive exercise, and either unrestricted access to feed or limited to one to two meals per day. Additionally, many find themselves housed in stalls, dirt pens, or small fields.

The old fashioned life of moderation is past. As a result we have seen a number of issues develop along with the domestication of horses, Equine Metabolic Syndrome, chronic laminitis, parasites, sand colic, gastric ulcers, behaviour issues (weaving, cribbing, fence chewing etc) only to mention a few. The challenges of the domestic horse are extensive, only a few ideas will be discussed here as they relate to feeding.

Dietary Management for Equine Metabolic Syndrome

In the last few years there has been extensive research on laminits in the horse and what is now known as Equine Metabolic Syndrome. These horses typically require a restricted diet limiting the amount of feed they ingest and often eliminating carbohydrates, particularly non-structural carbohydrates. These horses reside in dirt pens without grass access, receiving their nutrition through measured ‘meals.’ Similarly, horses in small pens or stalls undergo comparable management. When provided with limited amounts of feed during specific daily periods, these horses experience an unmet intrinsic need to graze, potentially resulting in behaviors such as fence/tree chewing or ingesting bedding and other materials from the ground.

The goal should be to increase the number of meals with decreasing the amount fed, difficult in many situations. Feeding more of a less nutrient dense feed is one option. Offering a hay net with very small openings simulates the art of grazing by limiting the amount of feed the horse can gather in each mouthful. This extends the time that the feed is available to the horse each day.

Managing Parasitism and Sand Colic Risk in Confined Horse Housing

Horses housed in a limited area, particularly when grouped with a number of others are at increased risk of parasitism. The majority of parasites commonly affecting horses have a fecal-oral transmission, meaning horses ingest the eggs in the feces during feeding/grazing on the ground and the worms develop inside the horse. These worms then develop eggs which are shed in the feces and the cycle continues. The proximity of horse housing increases the likelihood of a horse feeding on the ground coming into contact with parasite eggs.

In addition, horses housed in areas with sandy soil are at increased risk for sand colic, which can be quite serious, as they ingest sand while eating, the sand builds up in the digestive tract and fails to pass through, thus causing colic. It is thus recommended that horses not be fed on the ground if possible. Feed boxes are one option but need to be safe, maintained and ideally high enough that a horse can’t climb in. And if feeding a restricted diet the competition between horses surrounding one feed box may preclude the less dominant horses from eating enough.

Specialized Feeding Management for Horses

Offering free choice feed to horses in the form of a large round bale is common practice. However, there are a number of horses who struggle with obesity and laminitis who cannot feed this way.Previously, the recommendation was to permit these horses to graze for a maximum of four hours per day, followed by housing them in a dry pen. However, recent research has shown that these horses will consume the same amount of grass in four hours that a horse with full access to grazing will consume.

Thus the “fat and foundered” must remain without grass or free choice hay. Also horses with allergies, heaves, or other respiratory issues will often have worse symptoms when fed this way as the horse’s airway clearance mechanisms that eliminate irritants from the nasal passages function best when the horses head is in a grazing position, not buried in a round bale. For this group of horses, management, with respect to feeding, is key.

Navigating Modern Horse Feeding Challenges

The above mentioned issues are only a few that involve feeding the modern horse. To summarize the goals of feeding:

  • Feed multiple small meals per day, grazing if possible for optimal gut health
  • Feed up off the ground to reduce sand ingestion and parasite load
  • Limit access to bales where horse’s heads are buried to decrease irritants to the airways and lungs
  • Ensure a secure delivery method to minimize the risk of injury to the horse.

So given all these challenges and diversity within herds, how can one manage to meet each individual’s needs? Sadly there is no magic answer. With each feeding system there are pros and cons so do your research and find what works for your herd. Newly developed products are now available, specifically designed to address and accommodate these issues. If you have been feeding the same way for years and have recurring issues, maybe its time for a change.

Happy feeding!

– Dr. Melissa Hittinger, Stone Ridge Veterinary Services, LTD.

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